Who is Jesus? He is the king, the way the truth and the life He is the One who created, you... The one who created the world, the universe, he came to the earth in the year 0000, thats why we say B.C, it means: Before Christ, his come was so important that we still use it. He is the existense, he just came to the Earth, to die for all of us... can you believe it? That´s why he loves us so much, ist´s like this, before Jesus came every one had to pay for their sins, but when He gave his life to us, took the people that were in hell and brought them to Heaven, defeated the Devil... We just need to ask for forgiveness, and he will forgive us , we just need to say forgive me for my sins Lord... But there are only 2 places we can spend our after lifes after we die: .
If you chose Heaven, then close your eyes and repeat this: I accept Jesus Christ, as my Lord and Savior forever... However, you have to change what you ´re doing thats wrong, go to a church nerby, and you will feel the presence of Jesus in that place, a evangelic church. WHAT ARE YOU WAITING FOR? DO IT! AND TELL EVERY ONE ABOUT HOW GREAT JESUS IS!
If you chose Hell, then just keep doing what you´re doing and wait till you die.
When you die, you will see Jesus, i promise you, but God will will have to judge you... And he will tell you if you´re going to Hell or Heaven. I already told you, how to go on both of these places above. This is not a joke.
No human has died, without hearing from Jesus? And , everything that breathes worships the Lord? Plants animals and also you! I am not going to burn in the flames
from Hell, i I am going to my Father, are you going to hell?
Look i dont need to explain it to you about God, i dont live by Sight for him, but i live by Faith. Thats what the Bible tells you to do. God is good, He is powerfull, do you believe in him?
i almost cried when i saw this video...
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