This takes you back to the Homepage. This takes you to the Sprites INC Forum. This takes you to the Public Domain Section! Custom Sprites free to use! This takes you to the Megaman Classic Section This takes you to the Megaman X Section This takes you to the Megaman Battle Network Section This takes you to the Megaman Zero Section This takes you to the Megaman Legends Section This takes you to the Megaman ZX Section This takes you to the Megaman Starforce Section
This takes you to information on how to submit, as well as guidelines. Got a question? Read this first! Huh... what?
This site updated? That's un-possible. - May 1sth, 2011 - 20:10(GMT)
Time to party! Hey, Pinkie here, just figured it was about time this site here got updated.
This update includes some more ZXA bosses, the Megaman 9 Enemies and SubBosses being finished, Megaman 8 Megaman finally getting his swimming frames (it's.. only been.. how many years?) and Dr Wily from Megaman 4GB (yes, really.) and Megaman 10 being ripped. Oh, and don't forget Rubberman, from the Megaman 8 beta.
There are also enemy additions for ZXA, some inital map rips from the same series, more tilesets and even the items from Megaman 8!
(... yes, those too were missing. We've been slacking.)
For a full list of the updates (and who did the hard work), check this link. As normal, if you spot any mistakes, tell us in this thread and we'll fix them ASAP.
Classic Madness - February 13th, 2011 - 00:20(GMT)
Finally changed that goddamn avatar. What is this? Two updates in a month? That's crazy talk.
Seriously, as with Barubary's update, this one's pretty hefty, and includes some real sort after sprite rips, that have been sorely missing from this site...
WILY WARS RUSH!.. er.. I mean.. er.. ALL EIGHT MEGAMAN 10 BOSSES, AND THEIR WEAPONS!.. and Megaman 9's too while we're at it.
But wait. Theres more!
A variety of sheets got updated, (See Classic section, most of the major characters), we have Wily's first from from MM10, some new tilesets, enemy sheets, and even a.. er.. door.
For a full list of the updates (and who did the hard work), check this link. If you spot any mistakes, please let us know in this thread and we'll fix them ASAP.
Merry February! - February 6th, 2011 - 21:15(CET)
We should really start uploading the ZX(A) queue... They're finally here, those rips mega rock.exe, Soldjermon, VicksHB and myself did from Rockman.EXE: Operation Shooting Star. Most of them are listed on the general EXE page, but sprites for Shooting Star Rockman, WarRock and Harp Note have been listed at their respective pages on the Starforce page.
Aside from the OSS rips, I've added the rest of my own rips still in the upload queue.
For a full list of the updates (and who ripped what from those), check this link. If you spot any mistakes, please let us know in this thread and we'll fix them ASAP.
Merry Christmas from Sprites INC! - December 25th, 2010
Finally changed that goddamn avatar.
And have a happy new year. See you then.
Hi, I'm New! - September 18th, 2010 - 13:10(UTC)
The Twinkin Red Mage Hi, if you don't know me from the Forums I am Chrystal Chronicler (yes, I know it's supposed to be spelled "crystal"), and I am one of your new updaters! I only did a very minor update to get a feel for the system, mostly adding a few Megaman 10 sprites and a Megaman ZX Advent stage.
I have updated:
Mysterious Lab
8-bit Auto
minor enemies
Again, if any of you fine ladies and gents find any mistakes in this update or anywhere else, feel free to let us know in this topic so they can be fixed.
You know what time it is - September 1st, 2010 - 23:59(CEST) (phew)
Ancient Avatar. Should I change it? You may have noticed the site's been a little.... less active than it used to be. However, not to worry, we are still very much alive. Thus lets use this update to celebrate!
Unfortunately for some, this update still contains mostly 'only' rips from the Battle Network, Starforce and Legends series. The odd ones in the batch are two sheets for SNK vs Capcom Card Fighters games, and the memory card icons for X7 and X8.
The full list can be viewed in this file. No EXE:OSS sprites have been uploaded yet, those will come at a later-but-not-very-far-into-the-future date.
I'll also try to update some other games later, as I'm sure you'll notify me of any mistakes I'll undoubtedly be making when that happens. Speaking of mistakes, if you spot any in this update (or previous ones that have been left unnoticed up to now), feel free to let us know in this topic so they can be fixed.
Megaman Zero 2 Resistance Base Added - March 10th, 2010 - 09:30pm (GMT)
Finally changed that goddamn avatar. Yep. This is it right here.
This is an assembled sheet, so feel free to use it for what-ever, if you're still making Zero comics.
Special thanks to ChaoticNemisis for the rip.
Amongst other things, I've fixed the affiliates and replaced the 404 page. Yep.
Also we are going to be accepting Affiliates again. Sorry for not responding if you've already sent a request, it's probably gotten lost in wastelands of my email.
Oh, Look, another update. Wait.. what? - March 9th, 2010 - 16:30pm (GMT)
Finally changed that goddamn avatar. Huh? Is this an update two days after another one? Yeah. I'm going to be making lots of, small, updates to the site, every so often, to clear the forum backlog.
Some more of Megaman 10 is up, including the first batch of enemies, Dr Light's lab, and the Player Select Screen.
Strikeman's sheet has also been fixed.
Special thanks to Metalman for the player select and enemies (bar one, ripped by Blaze), Quint for correcting Metalman's Light Lab, and RandomTBush for correcting Strikeman.
And there were a few minor updates here and there.
The shop from Megaman 9 has been added, ripped by Repliroid20XX.
Bass' sheet from Rockman and Forte has been updated, with additional frames we were missing. The Tengu Blade for Bass has also been ripped correctly.
Thanks Model HX for your good eye.
Oh, Look, Megaman 10 - March 7th, 2010 - 09:49am (GMT)
Finally changed that goddamn avatar. Another Classic Megaman game has not long been released, and we're underway ripping the darn thing.
You can keep up with Progress here.
Things will be added to the site as it gets ripped.
Special thanks go to everyone who is currently ripping MM10, including Metalman, Clownman, Speedremix, Gaia, Blaze, Joe Collins, Repliroid20XX, and finally, RandomTBush.
I think that's everyone so far. Be paitent. We'll get this sucker ripped.
Also, one minor issue with the game:
Capcom, in future, make sure DLC is actually.. you know.. DLC. And not already in the game waiting for a unlock code. That's not how it works.
12 years and this is the best Bass sprite you could come up with? Seriously?
Additional Update:
Several of the missing MM9 sprites have been added. These include Hornetman, some Platforms, Enemies, the Dr Light Robot, Wily Castle and an additional unused sprite.
Credit goes to Metalman, Nightmaresplody and SpeedReemix.
Panic Over? - December 14th, 2009 - 21:52pm (GMT)
Finally changed that goddamn avatar. Well, that was a bit scary. Sorry for the inconveience folks, a security exploit on a different site led to the the entire server to be compromised with the same virus.
Fortunately, the server guys were VERY effective in helping out, as a result, we think the problem has now been dealt with.
Special thanks must also go to Neo, who backed up the entire 1.21 gig of forum data, so, thankfully, that has not been lost, and has also been restored.
We will be working towards really tightening the security of the website, so this should hopefully not occur again.
If you have visited this site since December the 11th, and do not have a virus scanner installed, I urge you to get one and scan your system ASAP.
Free ones include Avast! Anti Virus or Malwarebytes' Anti-Malware Software.
We are now waiting on Google, who will scan through this site and hopefully remove the "attack site" warning.
Sorry for all this inconvience!
Breaking the habit - December 3rd, 2009 - 18:36 CEST
?????? Since the remake / upgrade of EXE1 has been out for a bit, I figured I'd better upload the ripped sprites from Starforce 3. Well, they're there, just waiting for you to view them.
I've also moved some of the recurring major characters of the series to their own sections, and updated the existing icons for Geo, Megaman, Omega-Xis, Sonia and Lyra.
The full update list (including the credits) can be seen here. If you see anything wrong, misplaced, or some other mistake, please use the topic from the previous update.
While waiting for the EXE:OSS update, you can check the ripping progress of the game in its ripping thread.
It's about time - August 31th, 2009 - 1:10am CEST
?????? It looks like it's time for my annual update. It was certainly not my intention to wait this long, but there were several ohter things I had to do (not in the least university projects).
Anyway, let's not waste time on idle chitchat and get on with the update. As usual, I'll only update the games I have some knowledge of. This means only the EXE, Legends and Starforce sections have been updated. Also, I've kept updating the Starforce 3 sprites off for a while, partly because this update is large enough without it. (~750 files new or updated)
To view the full update list, visit this textfile.
If I did something wrong in my semi-hurry to get this update over with, you can comment on that in this topic. Of course, if you see something else wrong that's nothing to do with this update, you can mention it there as well.
EDIT:Before I get yelled at: Three cheers for our new Co-admin Zyros!
No update. - January 30th, 2009 - 12:37pm (EST)
... There is no update today, I'm just cleaning up the news archive so that it isn't that big anymore.
I'm archiving the deleted archive posts here: here
Oh, yeah, we have a Megaman 9 section. - October 30th, 2008 - 23:25pm
.... ok joking over, this avatar needs changing. ... forgot to update the index page.. it's actually been up for a while, as have the character rips for Megaman, Roll, Wily, Auto, Protoman...
We did have Dr Light's new sprites but they've apparently vanished.
I'll update with the credits when I stop being busy. ... thanks to everyone that contributed!
Also, Barubary, I have beaten you... I sorted and uploaded the entire site (barring... the EXE section) after it got wiped yonks back. Does that count?
If you have comments, you might as well put them in the previous previous update's thread.
Record update? - August 27th, 2008 - 3:01am *zzz*
????????????! I dare any other staff member to beat updating 1670 sheets at once.
About 1000 of them are from the same game; X8. Its textures have been dumped (by yours truly) and sorted (by Duke78. Thanks again =D) for your viewing pleasure.
The other major game in this update is Ryuusei no Rockman 2 (Megaman Starforce 2). Just in time for the thrid installment.
The rest of the updated games include Legends 1 & 2, nearly all EXE games, and MM7. To view the full list, click here.
If you have comments, you might as well put them in the previous update's thread.
Meddling Kids... - August 22th, 2008 - 23:25pm
zomg furry avatar wut. It's the little things that matter.
I won't be doing much to update the archives, but I will be making the usual nesserary changes.
Things you might care about are Anubis Necromancess's sheet is back up in Zero 3, and more importantly, The MM&B Bass sheet has been corrected and is no longer corrupt.
Things have and will continue to change location, check the link above if you're wondering where things are being moved to. I'll update in the topic as opposed to here.
Because that would be the clever thing to do.
And for the record, we have no idea how we're going to get sprites from Megaman 9 until it's released.
Oh yeah, and this section also updated.
July Update - July 15th, 2008 - 09:14pm
... Update list.
I listed everything I did in the list. And yes it is on the forum.
June Update - June 04th, 2008 - 02:31pm
... Update list.
First part of the update is done, the next part is going to be
composed of ZX series rips (epecially Xterra's background
rips) and MetalMan's tilesets he has done, amongst other things.
About time I made an update - 19.05.08 - 17:00 GMT
Lolzor The title sums it up, I think. Update list.
Nothing too special, but it's something. I'll try to update again within the next five years. Or so. Oh well.
Random Update - May 09th, 2008 - 01:39pm
... Uploaded a couple of things:
1. Unused mugshot of a Pantheon (Megaman Zero) ripped by MetalMan.
2. Model X under NPCs (Megaman ZX Advent). 3. Mostly complete sheet of the NPCs (Megaman ZX Advent), the two blanks are for an old character who I hadn't found and the other for the little girl being held by her father.
4. Boss Medals (Advent again) under Misc.-Game Objects.
5. More stuff for the minigame (Advent again).
Affiliate Bar Updated - 30/04/2008 - 18:20
Omg. Wtf. Little on the busy side, so this is a non-update:
The Spriters Resource has been added as an affilaite, a great site.
I've also removed two affiliates: Megaman Empire and Twisted Renders. The latter no-longer exists, the former hasn't been updated in nearly half a year, AND my virus scanner is detecting viruses on the site!
Oh well. Hey TSR! :)
Big Update In Progress - 24/04/2008 - 00:00
Omg. Wtf. Some sections may vanish and there might be broken incomplete stuff everywhere. Bare with us - there's one hell of a backlog.
Note to self: Don't let your internet break, ever again.
BATCH 1 - ZxA - Advent:
Click Here to see what's been updated.
BATCH 2 - ZX1. See above.
That's the first batch of the ZX update... and considering I have quite litterarly been working the entire day on this, that's it for today. Boy is it alot of sheets.
Bean - you've been invaluable to us for getting the ZX section up to scratch. Thanks. =D
It's your Final Destination, for Pixelation! Or something.
You want Backgrounds? These guys have them!
You're telling me you haven't heard of this place? Seriously?! Do you live under a rock or something?
Accurate Title.
News point for Megaman fans!
The one and only Megaman 3 Team!.
A very funny HANDDRAWN Megaman comic with fab art and a great style. Read.
One of the longest running Megaman sites, run by Dr Cossack, has a nice and large community behind it.
Another non-specific ripping site which has a very impressive amount of rips. Check it out!
One of the Largest EXE Boards out there.
EXE HQ, with lots of lots of info.
A Spriting Site Dedicated to ripping from lesser known games.
Megaman Fangames
A nice spriting archive - just don't be an idiot at the forums.
Metroid Stuff galore! Check this place out!
A Starforce fansite of epic proportions!
A Online Megaman Roleplay!
A Megaman Fan Game for the Game Boy advance! It's as exciting as it sounds - check out New Horizons!
From 16/03/2006 23:00
go there for more info: