So, as i was saying, my friend told me that the creator of the game said that the secret for the alternate ending was based on the cape of the game (for the japanese version) wich looks like this:
(Kevin told me this)If you´ve noticed on the first colossus, has a kind of stone temple, look:

As you can see, the creator said that the secret is on the cape of the game, the cape shows a picture of the 1st colossus, wich there is that stone temple shown above. The problem is that, everyone thinks that the secret is based on the end of the game, wich is probrably NOT. The solution would be to call the colossus to the temple, and then atract him to the opposite way, after that, you would come to his back again and climb on him. When reaching the top, you would have to jump to the temple (better if you use the parachute on time attack). If you didnt understand most of what i typed now, here is another example:

Thats it guys, ive never tried it actually... But some of you experts might make it... Dont be dumb, and try to find the secret ending at the end, the secret is at the beggining, a secret that might change the whole game!